Urgent Bite 242 – Thinking about worms and abdominal pain
Pinworms are often asymptomatic, or cause mild pruritus ani, but do they cause abdominal pain?
Pinworms are often asymptomatic, or cause mild pruritus ani, but do they cause abdominal pain?
If you are working in urgent care over the holiday period, thank you.
While the Christmas period is supposed to be a happy holiday for all, there are many increased stressors at this time of year. These papers give food for thought for the season.
Registrations for the Goodfellow Symposium 2025 are open. It is on the weekend of March 22 and 23, 2025. For the urgent care stream, we have some fantastic talks. Dr Craig Ellis asks – are we underthinking anaphylaxis? Things you were taught that might be wrong. Dr Rachael Niederer will talk to us about sudden…
We should be familiar with Reye Syndrome and its association with aspirin.
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Do you palpate for the epitrochlear lymph node?
An interesting and thought-provoking TED talk that argues for the need for clinicians to continue to examine patients thoroughly.
Do you have a way to quickly and succinctly indicate that there is a possible patient of clinical concern within your clinic?
As clinicians in urgent care, we see many injuries covered by ACC. We are, therefore, responsible for completing many ACC 45 forms, which indicate a patient’s work capacity following their injury. We will also complete many ACC 18 forms for patients returning for planned reviews (Fracture Clinics) or who choose to return to urgent care.…