Registrars are required to complete ongoing CPD activities.  These are called ‘annual requirements’ and are in addition to the training programme components.


  • Completion of at least 400 clinical hours per year in an approved urgent care setting. Note that Fellowship Regulations require those with less than 1000 logged approved clinical hours require direct on-site supervision from a FRNZCUC or other RNZCUC-approved equivalent.
  • Supervision meetings including the completion of the appraisal form (four or three, depending on the registrar’s seniority).
  • Peer group activities of 6 hours per year (see peer group recertification requirement).
  • Annual training in resuscitation, with at least one full course every three years. If a full course has not been completed in the three years prior to starting the training programme (or a course the College deems to satisfy this requirement), you must complete a full course in your first three months of commencing the training programme.
  • One clinical audit per year. Unless otherwise instructed by the College:
  • Completion of the essential knowledge quiz each year.
  • Progress on the training programme to the satisfaction of the Education Committee.  If progress has slowed, the EdC may stipulate additional CPD. The registrar performance policy applies.

Maintaining compliance with the annual and training programme requirements

We check your training programme progress and compliance with the annual requirements in UCCIS at the anniversary of your training programme start.  You should have ongoing completion of training programme components and have completed all annual requirements. It is your responsibility to record activities in UCCIS.

If we cannot find evidence of progress and compliance we will ask you to complete all overdue items within three months, or develop an approved plan with the DCT.  If neither of these happen, we are required to inform MCNZ that you are not complying with the programme. Within UCCIS we use a monitor status colour code to guide us (and you) in this process.