There are a few activities we ask that all registrars complete in the first few months of being on the programme:

On commencing the training programme:

  • Familiarise yourself with this website, especially the pages on:
  • Ensure that you have access to the Urgent Care College Information System (UCCIS).
  • Ensure that you have signed up for the College newsletter.
  • Meet your supervisor, and if not already completed, ask them to complete the supervisor agreement form, and send it to the Training Programme Coordinator (TPC), (
  • Inform the Medical Council that you have commenced training in urgent care using the CPD7 form.
  • Join a peer group and ask the peer group coordinator to make sure they have recorded it in UCCIS.  We recommend that you inform the TPC by email once you’ve joined, so we can chase the coordinator if necessary.
  • Develop a plan for year one and two training programme activities with your supervisor.  Enter planned activities into your UCCIS TPS. You can also use the PDP planning tool to capture your longer-term goals and actions.
  • Pay any invoices we have sent you (you receive these if health workforce is not contributing to your training programme fees and costs).

Within one month of starting the programme:

  • Access the urgent care course online and familiarise yourself with the material (you should have received login details and course code from the Goodfellow Unit).
  • Look through the training resources available on the website.
  • If you have not received your books, contact the TPC.
  • Access the cultural competency course and register using the code we sent you.
  • Access ECGWeekly to familiarise yourself with the material (you should have received login details from ECGWeekly).

Within three months of starting the programme: