To join the training programme, complete the application form and read about the selection process.
Changes affecting current and future registrars
The College is currently updating its curriculum with revised graduate outcomes, which were consulted on last year. The graduate outcomes detail the graduate profiles and attributes, including knowledge, skills and values, expected of a graduate from the RNZCUC vocational training programme. They are based on the 7 domains (roles) of the CanMEDS physician competency framework.
- Current registrars should review this page for changes affecting current registrars.
- Those starting the training programme from 1 January 2025 should review this page for information about the new training programme.
Training programme
The training programme aims are:
- To give doctors knowledge, skills and attitudes to safely practise urgent care in a supervised setting.
- To provide reference material for self-directed learning.
- To emphasise certain attitudes:
- Recognition of one’s limitations.
- Knowing when to call for help.
- To reassess current practice in the light of the latest knowledge.
The curriculum is available online.
The College has designed the programme to be flexible, so you are able to start at any time and complete it on a part-time basis.
The requirements to be met to achieve Fellowship are described in the Fellowship regulations and summarised below. To gain Fellowship, other than when granted credits for recognition of prior learning, registrars will be required to:
- Have four years and 3000 hours of approved clinical experience (described in the Fellowship regulations)
- Complete the Urgent Care Course, hosted online by the Goodfellow Unit
- Pass the exam (UCPEX), normally run once a year in November
- Complete PALS or APLS
- Complete a College-approved trauma course
- Complete a College-approved communications course
- Complete the MauriOra cultural competency course
- Be assessed as competent in a range of skills
- Complete case studies
- Complete three university papers:
- Clinical Epidemiology / Biostatistics
- Paediatrics
- Trainee selected (approved by College).
- Complete a medical literature project in urgent care
- Fulfil ongoing annual CPD and supervision requirements
- Attend an exit interview (in person or by video conference)
- Gain Board of Censors approval to exit the training programme and be awarded Fellowship.
Registrars may apply for exemptions from some of the above. Contact the DCT who will advise what information is required. Refer to recognition of prior learning page, or the Fellowship Regulations.
The standard time to complete Fellowship is four years. A registrar can attain Fellowship in less than four years if the registrar has credit for prior experience. The urgent care training programme is designed with the needs of part-time registrar in mind, and a year can comprise as few as 400 hours. Some part-time registrars may take up to seven years to complete training. Registrars may also take a break from training which can further extend the time to Fellowship.
RNZCUC monitors registrars’ training programme progress and performance and intervenes as required. Interventions may include offering support, e.g. from the DCT and supervisor, further assessment, close monitoring, a practice visit, and in some cases, removal from the training programme. If you are falling behind, please discuss this with your supervisor or the DCT at an early stage. See the registrar performance policy for full information.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]