From January 2024, any junior registrar who has not completed the Hauora Maori module on the urgent care course (and saved their completion to UCCIS) is required to complete the MauriOra cultural competency course.  This foundational course was developed specifically for the registered Aotearoa/New Zealand health workforce and provides a basic understanding of cultural competency in the health context.  The course satisfies many of the training programme graduate and learning outcomes related to cultural competency.

We will email all junior registrars and inform them of the course and provide the code to register.  See instructions below on how to apply the code and complete the course.  Once you have completed the course, save your completion certificate. We will be making changes to UCCIS so that it can be loaded and allcoated to the correct category, but this will take time. For now, save the certificate and we will inform you when you can upload it.

Accessing the course
If you do not already have a MauriOra account:
  1. To access the course, create your account at:
  2. Enter your email address and other details.
  3. Click on the “Have a voucher” text, and enter the code we sent you (in the email from Alex).
  4. Click on the blue “Register” button.

Your account has now been created.

If you already have a MauriOra account

Log into your existing account, and click on the “Redeem a Voucher” text on your dashboard, enter the code and click “submit”.

Courses will be visible on the MauriOra dashboard.  There is material to read, and quizzes to complete (with a pass mark being 80% before you are allowed to progress). On satisfactory completion you will be sent a certificate. Remember to load it into UCCIS.

Adding the activity into UCCIS

Please add the activity into your UCCIS TPS/CPD record as:

  • Key topic: Cultural Competency Course
  • Activity type: Additional CPD
  • Sub-Type: Other (please specify)
  • Other Activity: Mauri Ora course
  • Completed date: date on the certificate
  • Time credits: time taken x 2 (cultural safety and competency training are awarded double CPD points).
  • What did I learn: please summarise your learning.
  • How will this benefit patients: Please consider how this helps you provide better care
  • On the next page, load the certificate as supporting documentation.

In time the required activity will have its own placeholder in the TPS, and an equivalent in the CPD record.