Urgent Bite 202 – Thinking about Neuroendocrine Tumours
This week, the world’s best snooker players are competing for the Paul Hunter Trophy at the Masters in London. Paul sadly died of neuroendocrine tumours in 2006 whilst in his snooker prime.
This week, the world’s best snooker players are competing for the Paul Hunter Trophy at the Masters in London. Paul sadly died of neuroendocrine tumours in 2006 whilst in his snooker prime.
Urgent Bite 201 – Thinking about referrals from UC
Jean Batten was a New Zealand pioneering aviatrix who died of empyema.
You might encounter an Ice Cream Headache over Christmas.
The 2024 Urgent Care Bootcamp conference will be held at the Rydges Hotel in Wellington on September 14th and 15th.
We should be reporting suspected medication-induced anaphylaxis to CARM. Likewise, remember to report cases of ACE-induced angioedema.
Whether an incidental finding or related to a presenting issue, advising a surfer about preventing exostosis progression is important in urgent care.
Whether reviewing a possible subungual haematoma or an opportunistic finding, urgent care clinicians need to be aware of subungual melanoma.
We should always observe our patient’s gait and make sure to look our for a foot drop.