Urgent Bite 124 – Thinking about Testicular Torsion
Torsion is a diagnosis not to miss. This is a good paper to review
Torsion is a diagnosis not to miss. This is a good paper to review
In case you need some ideas for CPD, check out these ideas.
A good paper to read about antibiotic prescribing in children with LRTI and an opportunity to listen to the author of the paper
Professor Bruce Arroll tells us about his paper on the Emoqol 100 and how he uses it to screen for low mood.
Do you keep adequately hydrated during your shift? You should.
Read the paper – Hydration amongst nurses and doctors on call (the HANDS on prospective cohort study). El-Sharkawy A et al. Clin Nutr 2016 Aug;35(4):935-42 DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2015.07.007
Does a normal amylase/lipase rule out pancreatitis?
Our fourth Urgent Care at Christmas discussion is inspired by a film that changed modern action thrillers and bucked the trend of action heroes being muscle-bound giants. Die Hard has long been considered a Christmas classic but the reason it has made our urgent care list is that it shows a common and very painful presentation to urgent care. The glass foreign body in the foot. To talk about the Welsh tradition of Mari Lwyd, singing carols, Alan Rickman and the pain of injecting the sole of the foot we are joined by Dr Zoë Cruse.