Urgent Bite 72 – Mulder’s Sign
A useful provocative test when examining a patient with metatarsalgia.
A useful provocative test when examining a patient with metatarsalgia.
If you are looking for an analogue way to keep track of your life tasks, it is worth having a look at the Bullet Journal method.
Asthma is a common presentation to Urgent Care. How do the new adolescent and adult guidelines for NZ affect our management in Urgent Care? We speak with one of the guideline authors, Dr James Fingleton.
This podcast was published 2 weeks ago for is Māori language and NZ Sign Language weeks. An improved knowledge of two of New Zealand’s official languages will improve our ability to deliver health care to our patients.
Have you come across the Os Styloideum before?
The historic streets of Edinburgh are layered with hundreds of years of medical history. During a modern day global pandemic, a look back at the past can inform the present.
New Zealand has a national out of hospital STEMI pathway. Aaron Turner, a St John Intensive Care Paramedic in Christchurch, talks us through the pathways and what Urgent Care needs to know about it.
Dr Avijit Barai talks us through a 9 step systematic approach to looking at ECGs.
Dr Avijit Barai talks us through a 9 step systematic approach to looking at ECGs.
Today we look at what the RNZCUC has planned for the rest of 2020.