Urgent Bite 142 – Why is it called Herpangina?
We see it quite often but why is it called herpangina?
We see it quite often but why is it called herpangina?
Important we consider potential interactions between opioids and antidepressants.
An important eponym that may help us miss fewer lunate dislocations on initial presentation.
An eponymous fracture that we tend not to hear used so much these days.
Let’s ask Dr Rob Evison how not to miss significant ankle injuries.
The Mason Classification helps us determine which radial head fractures need orthopaedic review.
Be aware that there is potential for some shorthand notes to be read two ways.
When is a young person’s back ache not just a strain?
Weightlifters are at risk of triceps rupture. What should we look for in urgent care?