PGcertCPU – Postgraduate Certificate in Clinician Performed Ultrasound

The hands-on course from the University of Otago offers a thorough grounding in point-of-care ultrasound. It has been extremely popular in recent years. There are currently slots available for the 2025 course so if you are keen to enrol you should follow this link. The course is an approved paper for RNZCUC Registrars. Scanning…

DCT update for September 2024

Kia ora koutou, It is my pleasure to produce this month’s DCT newsletter. I’m going to cover off some important items for registrars – please read and take action where necessary. University Papers A reminder firstly we’ve noted that University of Auckland have limited access to some university papers. POPHLTH709 was cancelled for semester 2…

DPD update September 2024

Welcome to the third DPD newsletter. Multi-Source Feedback Surveys (MSFS) I wish to share these important points regarding the completion of the MSFS. MSFS must be commenced by requesting the College to set them up online Old PSS forms must not be used – if you have previously downloaded them please delete them. It is…

Teaching and Learning in the Clinical Setting

This two-day course is run by the University of Auckland and is designed for everyday clinical educators working across a variety of disciplines. It covers facilitating small group learning, planning tutorials, supervising clinical students, using feedback, remediating professionalism lapses, teaching cultural safety and assessing mini-cex. It will be an ideal course for urgent care supervisors…