Recertification – update

Recertification requirements 2020 MCNZ proposed an 11-month waiver to the recertification requirements during the Covid19 pandemic. The Professional Standards Committee approved an extension in line with the MCNZ recommendation. This waiver was to ensure clinicians did not have to focus on CPD during a global pandemic when activities and availability of courses would be reduced.…

RNZCUC Office Covid19 safety plan

As much as possible, do NOT visit the office. If you must, please call ahead. Zoom is becoming our preferred method for discussing more complex issues.
If you must visit, you will be required to leave your details, and active clinicians entering the office will be asked to wear a face mask.
Scan and email audit paperwork (especially PSS and CNA).

Director of Professional Development

We are now able to accept applications for the position of Director of Professional Development. This is a key post in RNZCUC focusing on helping the College move forward with its strategy by developing and improving the recertification programme, promoting quality urgent care, and fostering the development of urgent care. For more information click the ‘see more’ link below.

An update from the GM

What to expect in 2020:
• Annual Survey
• Branch accreditation
• Update to Urgent Care Course
• Revised recertification programme
• Appoint a new Director of Professional Development
• One additional administration staff member
• Appointing the new Executive Committee
• An increase in the membership fee
For more information on these, click on the ‘read more’ button below.