Urgent Bite 235 – Tendon injuries around the Patella
What should you look for in quadriceps tendon and patella tendon ruptures?
What should you look for in quadriceps tendon and patella tendon ruptures?
Some important considerations when working up chest pain that will make us think of a thoracic aneurysm.
Drug-induced tendinopathy can occur early, and late in a person’s usage. So we must consider a patient’s medication history closely whenever they have symptoms of tendinopathy or rupture.
Dry socket might present to urgent care. What is it and what should we do about it?
A caddy offers words of wisdom to their golfer. Some of their advice is relevant to urgent care.
We always look for the sail sign when reviewing radiographs of the elbow, but how often are they associated with occult fractures?
Cluster headaches present through urgent care and it is important to differentiate them correctly.
We need to be aware of medications with anticholinergic effects, especially in the elderly.