Out of hospital STEMI pathway – with Aaron Turner
New Zealand has a national out of hospital STEMI pathway. Aaron Turner, a St John Intensive Care Paramedic in Christchurch, talks us through the pathways and what Urgent Care needs to know about it.
New Zealand has a national out of hospital STEMI pathway. Aaron Turner, a St John Intensive Care Paramedic in Christchurch, talks us through the pathways and what Urgent Care needs to know about it.
Pre-septal vs orbital cellulitis. One of those nightmarish things you don’t want to get wrong. This is from our friendly paeds guy. Some really useful safety netting advice. If it’s worse go to the hospital. Also what to look for. Applies just as well to adults. Have you ever tested the colour vision?
Picture of the week. When do you need to do a knee x-ray? have you ever seen this? I recall a patient I saw with a chronic history of O-S and then followed by juvenile Rh resulting in steroids and then this type of fracture.
Dr Avijit Barai talks us through a 9 step systematic approach to looking at ECGs.
Dr Avijit Barai talks us through a 9 step systematic approach to looking at ECGs.
Today we look at what the RNZCUC has planned for the rest of 2020.
Today we look at what the RNZCUC has planned for the rest of 2020.
Another nasal foreign body post. You may remember the ENT one. You don’t have to buy this tool. You can attach your magnet to the base of an alligator forceps and use that. Then it’s already sterile.
Do you like or hate paediatric rashes? DFTB have created a wonderful resource of images. So be you loving or hating rashes, all your rashes are here to view and review.
What is the safest and most cost effective way to tourniquet a finger? We discuss a technique with Dr Dave Sorrell.