Health Pathways Community training event
Clinical assessment with Māori whānau. For more information click here. (The College is not responsible for external links).
Clinical assessment with Māori whānau. For more information click here. (The College is not responsible for external links).
The Education committee with 7 members is the largest of the College’s committees. The committee and DCT David Sorrell meet every 2-3 months as required via zoom and communicate regularly by email. This year Palm Kamolpanus has joined the committee as the new convenor of the Registrar subcommittee. The committee wishes to thank outgoing convenor…
Cold and flu remedies containing pseudoephedrine are now a class C drug in New Zealand and available from pharmacies.
Dr Tony Smith, Deputy Clinical Director at Hato Hone St John, tells us about Double Sequential and Vector Change Defibrillation for resistant VF/VT. These new techniques, not currently covered in our NZRC resus algorithms, are being utilised by all ambulance services in New Zealand for patients who do not get ROSC after three shocks.
You are invited to attend Connect Communication’s first Lets Connect Wellness Webinar entitled “Ask me Anything”: Everything you have always wanted to ask a Psychiatrist on Tuesday June 25th 7 pm. Is there something you have always secretly wanted to ask a Psychiatrist, but you’ve never had the opportunity? Maybe questions about anxiety, medication, depression…
At its meeting on 22 May, the Executive Committee endorsed the strategy working group’s (SWG) recommended approach to the College’s support for the promotion and development of urgent care outside of Aotearoa New Zealand. The SWG met to discuss this as the College is experiencing a significant increase in the numbers of doctors based overseas…
Professor Bruce Arroll talks to us about a practical technique that can help regulate breathing in people having panic attacks or during an asthma attack. The conversation then leads into discussing the Polyvagal Theory, physician wellness, and chronic pain.
Remember to consider an ASIS avulsion in young athletes who experience pain and a pop around their hip when sprinting.
A differential to consider when examining a dorsal wrist swelling.
Much like going to the gym, CPD can be a hassle or an imposition, but it can also be fun and hugely rewarding.