Fellows and registrars are to attend a resuscitation course each year that meets the minimum requirements for resuscitation, or (once per triennium) an approved alternative*.
A course that meets the minimum requirements will be at least four hours in duration. However, RNZCUC strongly recommends one eight-hour course per triennium, and that doctors substitute one of the four-hour courses for an alternative resuscitation course as their particular practice might require – e.g. APLS for those who work in a paediatric emergency department.
Registrars and Fellows may choose an ALS provider themselves as long as the minimum requirements are met. RNZCUC recommends an NZRC CORE Skills course as a four-hour refresher, and CORE Advanced as an eight-hour course. The CORE immediate does NOT meet RNZCUC requirements.
An ALS provider does not have accreditation with NZRC would have to apply to RNZCUC for approval as an urgent care resuscitation course provider.
Visit the NZRC website for a list of accredited providers.
*The courses listed below or similar are usually accepted as an alternative to ACLS for one year of the three-year cycle.
• ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support)
• APLS (Advanced Paediatric Life Support)
• EMST (Early Management of Severe Trauma)
• ELS (Emergency Life Support)
• EMSB (Emergency Management of Severe Burns)
• PALS (Paediatric Advanced Life Support