Urgent Bite 236 – The Koebner Phenomenon
What is the Koebner Phenomenon?
What should you look for in quadriceps tendon and patella tendon ruptures?
Most of my report is made up of “bits and bobs” that don’t fit in anywhere else. They include: A quick mention of the bootcamp and Fellowship ceremony Seeking volunteers to help progress the Distinguished Fellow concept Governance review latest news Strategy 2030 update Consultation – suicide prevention action plan ACC seeking experts Bootcamp and…
The Education committee continues to oversee the review of the training programme, in preparation for the new training programme for those registrars starting from 2025. We have endeavored to keep changes to a minimum for current registrars, and have advised members of these changes in several ways (email, DCT report, and website updates). Please contact…
This year we took Bootcamp to Wellington, holding it at the Rydges Hotel on September 14 and 15, with the Fellowship ceremony and dinner on the Saturday evening. The Saturday sessions got underway after a wonderful opening Mihi Whakatau from the local iwi. The first three sessions followed the previous Bootcamp format, featuring groups of…
Some important considerations when working up chest pain that will make us think of a thoracic aneurysm.
This webinar was hosted by the Journal of Urgent Care Medicine on October 16 at 0700 NZDT The COVID-19 RAT test gave us our first experience with a rapid viral test that we could perform within our clinics. With the availability, albeit at a cost via the pharmacy, of similar tests for RSV and influenza…
Drug-induced tendinopathy can occur early, and late in a person’s usage. So we must consider a patient’s medication history closely whenever they have symptoms of tendinopathy or rupture.