Remuneration/workforce survey 2023

Thank you those who responded. This year a record 150 doctors replied to the workforce survey. Nine were General Practitioners, 73 were Fellows of the College and this year we divided registrars into senior (34 replies) and junior (16 replies). This represents about 3/8 of RNZCUC members but may not be directly comparable to last…

Guideline for Management of Severe Asymptomatic Hypertension in Urgent Care

Author: Dr Gustav Fourie



Hypertension is a common presentation but there is no New Zealand based guideline for the management of severe asymptomatic hypertension (greater than 180 systolic or 110 diastolic) in urgent care. Definitions have varied in both naming ( hypertensive emergency, hypertensive urgency, hypertensive crisis ,malignant hypertension,accelerated hypertension, severe asymptomatic hypertension) and parameters.


A review of recent literature was conducted.

Rivaroxaban as bridging agent for suspected DVT

Author: Dr Gary Mitchell


Rivaroxaban is well established as a treatment for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, but there has been hesitation in using it as a bridging agent in clinical situations where DVT is suspected but not yet confirmed by definitive ultrasound scan. The evidence for the safety and efficacy of this approach is explored. During this time of research, the use of rivaroxaban began to gain acceptance and usage in New Zealand, leading to a brief analysis of factors involved in trying to introduce up to date guidelines into a small health organisation in New Zealand prior to widespread acceptance and definitive guidelines at District Health Board level.