Don’t use lidocaine for epigastric pain
Heard of the pink lady? Is it useful? Firstly you only need an antacid. Secondly, it should never be used to diagnose chest pain. It does not differentiate cardiac from epigastric related pain.
Heard of the pink lady? Is it useful? Firstly you only need an antacid. Secondly, it should never be used to diagnose chest pain. It does not differentiate cardiac from epigastric related pain.
The historic streets of Edinburgh are layered with hundreds of years of medical history. During a modern day global pandemic, a look back at the past can inform the present.
Pre-septal vs orbital cellulitis. One of those nightmarish things you don’t want to get wrong. This is from our friendly paeds guy. Some really useful safety netting advice. If it’s worse go to the hospital. Also what to look for. Applies just as well to adults. Have you ever tested the colour vision?