The PDP template is offered for use, but doctors may use any form they wish, as long as it assists in planning relevant and appropriate activities.
A PDP may take into account:
- Structured annual conversation
- Supervisor discussions
- Satisfying training programme requirements
- Maintaining progress through the training programme towards Fellowship
- Ideas on how you can provide a cultural safe environment (personally or within your workplace)
- Ideas on how you could contribute to improving health equity for all
- Need to update clinical knowledge and skills
- The requirements of the employer
- Outcome of audits
- Patient feedback, complaints or incident reports
- Areas of practice in which a doctor feels uncomfortable
- Your health and wellbeing
- Life or career goals.
UCCIS has a facility for developing goals, activities, and actions to complete them. This section of UCCIS MUST be completed. This enables you and the College to track your goals and link them to your completed activities within UCCIS.
There is a video that takes you through how to upload your Goals in UCCIS. Follow this link to view the video.