RNZCUC Twitter

If you are on Twitter, you can now follow us there @rnzcuc https://twitter.com/rnzcucRoyal New Zealand College of Urgent Care (@rnzcuc) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care (@rnzcuc). The Royal New Zealand College of Urgent Care is responsible for training doctors and maintaining professional standards in Urgent Care. New Zealand

Communication and history taking. It is sometimes important

Communication and history taking.

Communication and history taking. It is sometimes important to go back to basics. For me it is 29 years since I learnt to take a history. Do you remember when as a student you took a history and the registrar or consultant walked in and got a better history in 10 seconds?

Finally something you can get your teeth into.

Finally something you can get your teeth into.

Finally something you can get your teeth into. Tongue laceration. They are a very common paediatric presentation. Almost always they are managed conservatively and allowed to heal by secondary intention. If you are considering suturing you are in for a challenging time. Thus it is not likley you will be able to suture a tongue…

Imaging chests in children. Is this a routine

Imaging chests in children.

Imaging chests in children. Is this a routine test to order. i think not. Here is a discussion about imaging studies in children. Personally I don’t usually order a CXR unless I am looking for a coin or to exclude a battery. https://gppaedstips.blogspot.com/2019/06/chest-x-rays-in-children-wimbledon-rules.htmlChest X-rays in children – The Wimbledon RulesA combination of commentary and clinical…

Thank you for all Fellows and registrars who

Recertification survey – updates and the lucky draw

Thank you for all Fellows and registrars who participated in the RNZCUC Recertification Survey. Your experiences, ideas and suggestions have given the College a new insight into what our new programme should be. We will now consolidate all your suggestions and work closely with the Medical Council to develop a new strengthened approach to recertification.…

Every clinic has certain unavoidable obstacles and workplace

Workplace stress and burnout

Every clinic has certain unavoidable obstacles and workplace stress and burnout is seen frequently amongst Urgent Care staff. Are the things bothering you unchangeable? If they are too overwhelming, perhaps it is time to change jobs”

Ordering an ECG for your patient with syncope?

Ordering an ECG for your patient with syncope?

Ordering an ECG for your patient with syncope? In Urgent Care, we really don’t have the time to fluff around and especially not so when your waiting room is overflowing with winter ailments. Check out this excellent 3 min approach to identifying ECG red flags in your patient with a fainting spell. Want to learn…

Cspine is a pain in the neck.

Cspine is a pain in the neck. So here is a full on teaching blog with everything you need to Know. The ABC’s of the cervical spine provide a helpful mnemonic to guide the systematic assessment of these x-rays. Remember; you require all three views (later ….