Urgent Care Centre Forum

The health care sector is experiencing unprecedented times, coupled with staff shortages and high levels of unenrolled patients.   We are all in the same waka. City Medical Napier has proposed a quarterly forum of the urgent care centres across Aotearoa New Zealand, where we can sit around the virtual table and share our challenges and…

Aotearoa Patient Safety Day 2023

Kia ora koutou, The theme for Aotearoa Patient Safety Day 2023 is ‘Engaging patients for patient safety’ with the tagline ‘Elevate the voice of patients’. Resources are available to order now; more information about how to place your order is below. Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission is using Aotearoa Patient Safety Day…

Research project survey

Dear Colleagues, tēnā koutou katoa,  My name is Albert Wu, I am a FRNZCGP and am currently working as the Medical Administration Registrar at Counties Manukau. I would like your opinion on rationalising the primary care inbox to streamline paperwork, as your time is valuable.  All clinically active and training General Practitioners, Urgent Care Physicians,…

HDC Education Update July 2023

Free Professional Development eLearning module opportunities Last year the HDC launched a series of online learning modules to improve providers’ knowledge and understanding of people’s health and disability rights. These three free modules cover how the Code of Rights improves health and disability services, what you need to know about informed consent, and complaints management…

Croup: are patients safe to discharge following nebulised adrenaline? Is ‘rebound phenomenon’ a myth?

Author: Dr Gareth Norton

Date: August 2022


Croup, or laryngotracheobronchitis, is an extremely common presentation of respiratory
disease in the paediatric population. The mainstay of treatment is oral corticosteroids and in moderate/severe cases nebulised adrenaline. Concerns exist around the possibility of a rebound effect where their are increased symptoms when the effect of a drug has passed. If a drug produces a rebound effect, the condition it was used to treat may return with an
increased severity. Or is there no rebound effect and the return of symptoms, even at an
increased severity is due to the natural course and progression of the treated condition?

Guideline for Management of Severe Asymptomatic Hypertension in Urgent Care

Author: Dr Gustav Fourie



Hypertension is a common presentation but there is no New Zealand based guideline for the management of severe asymptomatic hypertension (greater than 180 systolic or 110 diastolic) in urgent care. Definitions have varied in both naming ( hypertensive emergency, hypertensive urgency, hypertensive crisis ,malignant hypertension,accelerated hypertension, severe asymptomatic hypertension) and parameters.


A review of recent literature was conducted.