Burnout and Mental Health problems can affect clinicians in all specialities and of all grades.  For too long it has been swept under the carpet for the mistaken belief that it is a sign of weakness and poor character. But of late people have started to speak up on the topic.  For a profession that exists to care for people, failure to care for ourselves results in poorer patient outcomes and is the reason we have such a high suicide rate within medicine.

Dr Zeshan Qureshi is one of a growing number of Doctors speaking up on burnout and Mental Health in Medicine, and the systems and pressures within medicine that contribute to the problem.

My thanks to Zeshan for talking to our podcast about this very important issue.

Watch Zeehan’s TEDx talk here


Check out Zeshan’s Website here


NZMA link



BMA link


Please ensure you have your own registered General Practitioner/Family Practice Doctor and seek help if you are struggling to cope with mental health problems.

http://samaritans.org.nz   0800 726666 in NZ

http://samaritans.org    116 123 in UK

http://thesamaritans.org.au   135 247 in Aus

http://samaritansusa.org    1 (800) 273-TALK in USA





Music licensed from www.premiumbeat.com

Full Grip by ScoreSquad

This podcast is intended to assist in ongoing medical education and peer discussion for qualified health professionals.  Please ensure you work within your scope of practice at all times.  For personal medical advice always consult your usual doctor