Welcome to this week’s Urgent Bite.  Today we ask the question – do you prescribe an antidepressant on the first visit to an Urgent Care?

An evidence based first consultation for depression: 9 Key messages – https://bjgp.org/content/68/669/200.long

Effective Management of Depression in Primary Care: a review of the literature – https://bjgpopen.org/content/1/2/BJGP-2016-0641

Many Thanks to Professor Bruce Arroll for sharing his story.

For lots of primary care relevant online learning resources check out the Goodfellow unit – https://www.goodfellowunit.org

Those of you with a keen eye on the diary will notice this was the last Friday of the Month.  Due to the short Month we will be releasing Episode 7 next Friday – technically the 1st March I know, but we do live in the future here in NZ.




Music licensed from www.premiumbeat.com

Full Grip by ScoreSquad

This podcast is intended to assist in ongoing medical education and peer discussion for qualified health professionals.  Please ensure you work within your scope of practice at all times.  For personal medical advice always consult your usual doctor