Venue: Christchurch, Rydges Latimer Square
Date: 17-18 September 2022
The 2022 Urgent Care Bootcamp and Fellowship dinner will be held at the Rydges, Latimer Square, Christchurch, on September 17 and 18.
Please note this page is only for recently graduated Fellows. If you have not received a personal email from the College telling you to use this link, please use this page instead.
Refunds in the event of cancellation (for any reason)
The College cancellation refund policy does not adequately cover possible scenarios we may encounter due to the ongoing pandemic.
If the College cancels the event completely, we will refund any funds paid. The College is not liable for other expenses or costs incurred.
If we have to move the entire Bootcamp to a virtual format (due to restrictions that do not allow us to hold the Bootcamp), we will be able to refund all dinner costs, plus any portion of the Bootcamp and Sunday panel fee that covers refreshments and food.
Bootcamp and Sunday panel attendance can be in person, online, or you have access to all recordings. Therefore we do not envisage refunds for these events if you notify us that you cannot attend less than 15 working days before Bootcamp (26 August).
If you cancel your ticket to the Fellowship dinner before 26 August we will be able to refund all monies paid. After that date, any sunk costs (ie costs we cannot ourselves get refunded back to us) cannot be refunded back to you. We will, of course, do our best to minimise these amounts and refund as much as we can.