The summer break seems a long time ago and the office team and committees are hard at work finalising plans for 2025. There is a lot going on, so it’s understandable if anyone feels slightly overwhelmed with the pace of change. We will do our best to keep everyone updated and informed. Thank you for your patience as we work on getting all these activities finalised and coherent.

Here are just some of the more significant activites:

  • The start of the new training programme including the implementation of workplace-based assessments
  • Changes to the core skills lists for current registrars
  • updates to the curriculum, and the finalising of the 2025 training programme curriculum
  • transfer and update of the urgent care course to TalentLMS
  • finalisation and launch of the leadership training
  • the long-awaited upgrade to UCCIS, with significantly enhanced reporting features for the office team
  • implementation of the governance review recommendations
  • MCNZ accreditation with a report due in the first half of 2025 and a visit early in the second half
  • rewrite of the College strategy
  • As well as “business as usual” which itself is quite a significant workload.
Annual Survey

Thank you to everyone who completed the annual survey. I’ll be completing an evaluation report in the next two weeks for the Executive Committee to review, then sharing with the members. As in previous years this is likely to happen on or shortly before the AGM.

Wellbeing policy and wellbeing officers

I received no comments on the draft wellbeing policy, so it is now with the committees to approve. We are still keen to find appropriate people willing to be wellbeing officers. These would be Fellows of the College who are a keen advocate for wellbeing, experienced in coaching, mentoring, and providing advice or guidance. In essence, they are able to provide independent support the member until the external challenges are resolved or mitigated. Given that the number of calls we have for wellbeing support is very small, we do not believe that there will be much work for our wellbeing support officers, but it would be good to have one or two members ready to provide that support when called for. The detail of the role, including the boundaries of the support they provide will be worked out in due course. Wellbeing support officers would be remunerated for their time.

If you are interested in becoming a wellbeing support officer for the College, please email the GM (

AGM and nominations

The College AGM will be held via zoom on Tuesday 25 March at 6pm. Please add this date to your calendar. There are several positions becoming available on the Executive Committee. The period for accepting nominations is now open.

For more information please see the AGM post on the website.