All doctors complete at least one MSFS each triennium. It may be the College MSFS or an externally-provided MSFS.  Registrars must complete the College MSFS within their first year of training unless exempted by the Education Committee.

In all cases, you should review the results, reflect on the feedback, and discuss this during your annual conversation. You might identify areas of weakness and decide on a way to remedy these deficits, or strengths and look to use them more.  You will record actions in your PDP. Registrars should also discuss findings and immediate feedback with their supervisor at their next meeting.

College MSFS

The College MSFS requires 30 patient (20 in ED) and 10 colleague forms be completed. It can be completed using the online version, the paper version, or a hybrid (eg you may choose the colleague section to be online). One of our members who works in ED has created some tips for conducting the MSFS while working in ED.

MSFS are administered by someone other than you. Typically, this will be reception staff or the practice manager.

Colleague feedback must be from at least one nurse, one reception staff member and one doctor.  Colleagues may include nurses, doctors, pharmacists, radiographers, physiotherapists, and those working in reception or administration as long as they work with you.

Colleague surveys must be completed using the online link and are not to be printed.  The administrator must select who will complete the colleague survey and distribute the links accordingly.  The Doctor being surveyed must not have any role in the distribution and selection process.

Once started, the College MSFS needs to be completed within three months. Any part (eg patient survey, colleague survey) not completed in that timeframe will need to be re-started. The PSC may allow an extension (to request one, email with reasons).


To complete the College MSFS:

  • Identify an appropriate person in your clinic who will manage your MSFS.
  • Decide which parts will be completed online, and which using paper-based responses.
  • Email
    • Indicate you wish to complete the MSFS
    • The name and contact details of the person managing your MSFS
    • Which parts you’d like to have completed online, and which parts paper-based.

The office will:

  • Send instructions and links to documents to the person managing the MSFS. Instructions include how to handle and return completed forms to the College for collation/review.
  • If online:
    • Set up any online elements requested and send links and QR codes.
    • Send a monthly update indicating the number of entries received so far.
    • Advise when any online elements have been completed (ie enough responses have been collected).
    • Combine paper-based responses (sent to us by the person managing the MSFS for you) with online responses.
  • Submit completed forms to the DPD/DCT for review.
  • Update the UCCIS TPS/CPD record.
External MSFS

Fellows on the regular recertification pathway may opt to complete an externally-provided MSFS (ie one completed as part of a workplace requirement).  The external MSFS is considered a high-value activity and counts for double CPD points. These are typically more in-depth than the College-provided MSFS. Any fees are the responsibility of the doctor.

If you wish to complete an external MSFS, email for information on external MSFS recommended by the College.

The following are required to complete an externally-provided MSFS:

  • Those completing an RPR or clinical practice visit
  • Those on the alternative clinical recertification pathway
  • Anyone who has had one mandated by the PSC or EdC.