In 2020 RNZCUC conducted a survey to gauge the interest in and utilisation of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) in urgent care clinics.

At that time 8 urgent care clinics had a POCUS machine and there were a total of 31 doctors with some level of ultrasound training. All but one of the 23 clinics who responded to the survey had other doctors who were interested in learning how to use POCUS.

We wish to now repeat this survey to determine whether there has been an increase in the use of POCUS in urgent care clinics. This information will inform decisions about the College position on the use of POCUS, the development of guidelines, and whether some degree of POCUS education should be incorporated into the training programme.

While Ultrasound is not a requirement to complete the training programme, there is an approved optional university paper. Ultrasound training courses can be claimed as CPD.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey.