You are invited to attend Connect Communication’s first Lets Connect Wellness Webinar entitled “Ask me Anything”: Everything you have always wanted to ask a Psychiatrist on Tuesday June 25th 7 pm.
Is there something you have always secretly wanted to ask a Psychiatrist, but you’ve never had the opportunity? Maybe questions about anxiety, medication, depression or any other psychological difficulties? Connect Communications invite you to attend a free “Lets Connect” Wellbeing Webinar on June 25th 7-7.50 pm, where you will have an opportunity to benefit from an “Ask me Anything” session with Dr Rob Shieff. Rob is an Psychiatrist in private practice in Auckland with wide ranging expertise in the many challenges of mind, mood and medicine. The webinar will use anonymous questions and we invite you to ask him about any mental health topic.
When: Jun 25, 2024 07:00 PM New Zealand Time
Topic: Connect Communications – “Ask me Anything” – Everything you’ve always wanted to ask a Psychiatrist
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