
MBChB (United Kingdom): 2007
Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of GPs (FRNZCGP):  2018
RNZCUC 2022- Current

Biographical information:

I graduated from the Leeds University School of Medicine in the UK in 2007 and moved across to New Zealand in 2009. Initially my focus of training was Emergency Medicine, and I registered with the Australian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM)  completing the ‘Part 1’ examinations and becoming a Senior ED Registrar in 2014. However, a change in circumstances took me away from Emergency Medicine, and I re-trained with a focus on community medicine, gaining FRNZCGP in 2018. However, my love of Urgent Care/Emergency Medicine has brought me back to the ‘front line’ and into the Urgent Care training program.
I am a mother of 2 young children, and a lover of the outdoors. Much of my spare time is spent outdoors, either Tramping, Trail running, Mountain biking or Scuba Diving.