As General Manager my focus is on strategy, stakeholder engagement and oversight of the administrative aspects of the College, including support to the committees. I will share information from all those areas.
As you know, Claire left the College, and we are waiting for her replacement to arrive in post. Kushani arrives on 24 June as the new College Administrator. In the meantime, thank you for your patience in waiting for a response to emails.
Membership fee
I emailed everyone to advise that we had to re-issue membership invoices, due to our connection to the credit card portal being interrupted. This was beyond our control, but everyone has handled this well. Thank you to everyone who has paid their membership fee.
Governance and strategy
In line with our current strategy, the Executive Committee agreed to commence a review of governance structures, part of a wider overall review of College governance. More information, including a high-level timeline of the approach, are in the Chair’s report.
Our current strategy is nearing the end of its useful life, and I am already turning my attention to the development of Strategy 2030 (which would run from 2025/6 through to 2030). I’ve incorporated feedback and ideas from the member consultation completed in 2023. We will consult with members once the draft document is ready.
The Executive Committee recently approved the College’s approach to urgent care overseas.
Engagement – surveys
Getting feedback from members is important, and one way that we do this is through surveys. We have listened to feedback and are aware of “survey fatigue”. We will change when we ask you to complete surveys and will focus the questions more and shorten the length of surveys, making them less time-consuming but just as valuable for you and us.
We are deferring the next workforce/remuneration survey until June/July 2025, and the results will be shared at Bootcamp 2025.
External Engagement – Health and Disability Commissioner
The Health and Disability Commissioner is reviewing the Code of Health and Disability Service Consumers’ Rights (the Code) and the Health and Disability Commissioner Act (the Act).
As members you are encouraged to have your say. Closing date for feedback is 5pm, Wednesday 31st July 2024. The College will be preparing a response.
External Engagement – ACC
At the recent ACC primary care sector engagement meeting, ACC informed us that the discovery phase of the primary acute care review was nearing completion, and that ACC intends to share the results with the sector in the next month or two.
Access to resources and UCCIS
The approach to providing access to learning resources has changed significantly in the last few months, as several providers changed their service provision. By the end of 2024, access to learning resources will be through the learning management platform embedded within UCCIS. But in the meantime, I sent an email to everyone to update them with links, instructions, and codes/tokens.
If you cannot find it, please email the College Administrator (Kushani) or Training Programme Coordinator (Alex).
Policy changes
We have made minor changes to the cancellation policy to clarify when we may have to pass on costs that we have already incurred and cannot recover.