Kia ora tātou. I am pleased to report several important updates on behalf of the education committee. This includes timelines for the release of the new curriculum, online urgent care course and leadership module. I have also included a link to the Work Based Assessment webinar held last month. Finally, there are a few reminders for trainees changes which have affected the core skills and medical literature project. As always, please feel free to contact the College with any questions or concerns. 

New Curriculum, Online Urgent Care Course 

As has been mentioned previously, the training programme has undergone some significant changes. There will be a new curriculum published before the end of this month which will outline the learning outcomes and domains of the new training programme – this will affect both “Pre 2025” and “Post 2024” Trainees, though the new training programme and changes affecting pre 2025 registrars have been developed based on this new curriculum so we do not expect any further significant changes to those outlined already and listed below. 

The online Urgent Care Course (UCC) has also been moved from Goodfellow to a new website platform (TalentLMS). The transfer, final reviews on the new website and feedback phase has now been completed and we will arrange for trainees to receive access starting from 21 March 2025. We ask for your patience as we arrange login details and enrolments to the UCC and if you have still not received access by the end of March (particularly those planning on sitting UCPEX this year), please do not hesitate to contact the office and we will ensure this is arranged. 

New Registrar Orientation Webinar

The next orientation webinar will be held on Friday 4th April at 10 am. Alex, the TPC, should email you with details and an invitation. If you have not received an email, please contact the TPC. 

Work Based Assessment Webinar

Work based assessments (WBAs) have been introduced into the new training programme for post 2024 trainees. A webinar was held last month to provide an overview of the WBAs and for an opportunity for supervisors and fellows to ask questions from the College. I would encourage all Supervisors (and interested Fellows) to watch the webinar here

Leadership Module

There is also a new “Leader” domain in the new curriculum so the Leadership Working Group has developed a Leadership module which will be available on the same platform as the UCC. This is also going to be released in the next 2 weeks, but again we ask for your patience as we arrange the logins and enrolments required to arrange access. 

For the new training programme, the leadership module is aimed at trainees in the “Provisional Fellowship Year” stage of training, but we are also aiming for the module to be available to the “Pre 2025” Trainees and Fellows as CPD/CME. 

As mentioned on the previous report, please be aware that the leadership module:

  • For post 2024 trainees, will be a mandatory component of your training to complete fellowship.
  • For pre-2025 trainees, if you are aiming to complete your fellowship within 6 months of receiving access to the leadership module, the module is optional as long as you complete the rest of your requirements to achieve fellowship and the pre-exit SAF. If you do not complete your Fellowship within this time, you will be required to complete the Leadership Module as a mandatory component to achieve Fellowship as the final supervisor appraisal form is likely to be amended within the next 6 months and will not include the leadership domains being assessed in the leadership module. 

Core Skills 

As a reminder, the core skills list has changed. The deadline to complete all the old core skills has now passed (31 January) so any pre-2025 registrars who have not completed and loaded into UCCIS all of the old core skills list is required to complete the two new skills that are on the new list (pulled elbow, doppler ultrasound for foetal heartbeat). 

You do not need to repeat any of the core skills you have already completed and uploaded onto UCCIS if done so before 31 January 2025. 

Any core skills done after 31 January 2025 will need to use the new core skills templates. Unfortunately, there has been a delay in the publication of the new core skills list and template but we are endeavouring to have this released in the coming weeks. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Medical Literature Project

As a reminder, the MLP has been discontinued. For pre-2025 trainees, if you have not submitted an outline of your MLP before the deadline on 31 Dec 2024, you are required to enrol and pass the POPHLTH701 paper at the University of Auckland to complete your fellowship. If you have already submitted your outline before the deadline, you are required to submit and have it marked completed by 30 June 2025 or you will also require a pass in the POPHLTH701 paper to complete your fellowship.

Thank you again for your ongoing patience during some significant changes for the College. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns, not just relating to the changes within the College, but any questions or issues you may be having related to your training and education. There are a range of contact avenues including the office email office on, the website enquiry form or via DCT/TPC and we encourage contact at the earliest opportunity if any issues do arise.

Ngā mihi,
Adrianne Pimentel
Convenor of Education Committee