The Education committee with 7 members is the largest of the College’s committees. The committee and DCT David Sorrell meet every 2-3 months as required via zoom and communicate regularly by email.

This year Palm Kamolpanus has joined the committee as the new convenor of the Registrar subcommittee. The committee wishes to thank outgoing convenor Adrianne Pimentel for her dedication and commitment to that role and is grateful she has agreed to remain on the committee. It is vital that the registrar voice is heard on all education matters, and we truly value the Registrar subcommittee’s feedback and contributions.

Current reviews
The College is currently rewriting the curriculum, defining stages of training for urgent care and conducting a work placed based assessment (WBA) pilot, with the intention of implementing changes for new registrars starting in 2025. In addition, the Education committee is overseeing a substantive review of all the components of the training programme, to ensure educational value and academic rigor. This includes an update of the Urgent care course, and review of courses run by external providers.

Changes implemented in 2024 include-
• MauriOra course has replaced the Hauora Māori module.
Those registrars who have not already completed that module must complete this course prior to sitting UCPEX. The course is available to all College members for CPD purposes and, as advertised in previous newsletters, access details are available from the College. Further information is available on the website.
• The Communication course is now a 2-level course.
The new stage 1 comprises videos, quizzes and self-reflective tasks to be completed individually. Level 2 is a 3h zoom course with other registrars.
• Orientation webinar
The first Orientation webinar took place on 12/4/24 with 19 attendees and received very positive feedback from the post event survey. Registrars must attend webinar within 6 months of joining the training programme. Registrars who have joined in 2024 are expected to attend this year but any other registrar who wishes to may. From 2025 attendance will be mandatory and will be a requirement before sitting UCPEX
Next webinar is 12/7/24 at 10am NZT.

Upcoming membership consultation
The Core Skills List has been reviewed and members will be consulted with as to recommended changes. A new supervisor survey has been developed and will be sent to all supervisors.
The WBA pilot commenced in March and is being extended to a few other clinics for a more representative response. The College plans to add WBAs to the training programme from 2025 and members will be consulted later in the year.

Ainsley Goodman
Convenor of Education committee, RNZCUC.
June 2024.