Thank you once again to both trainees and supervisors for your patience as we are undergoing several changes within the training programme, including having introduced a new training programme for trainees commencing in January this year. We welcome feedback at any stage, particularly if there are any concerns as these changes have been implemented – please do not hesitate to get in touch with the College via the website or via email. We are striving to keep everyone updated – please see the points below.
Online Urgent Care Course
The online urgent care course is in the final stages of being transferred and reviewed on the new website platform. We apologise for the delay in having this available to trainees and we have had to defer access until the next 2-3 weeks due to some topics which have required further revision. We thank you again for your patience and we will inform you as soon as the course is available online.
Training Programme Changes
As advised on previous notices, we are currently running two training programmes concurrently – pre-2025 and the new training programme for all trainees commencing from January 2025. As a reminder, please see the links below:
- Changes for registrars who have started the training programme before January 1 2025, specifically these changes
- Training programme for registrars starting the training programme from/after January 1 2025
New Registrar Orientation Webinar
Welcome to the new trainees who have joined the programme. You should receive in an email in the next month or so to invite you to an orientation webinar where myself, the director of clinical training (DCT), the general manager, TPC and a representative from the registrar subcommittee will be in attendance to provide an overview of the training programme and answer any questions you may have. The next webinar is scheduled for 4 April 2025. We look forward to seeing you there.
New Leadership Component of Curriculum
This year, a new leadership component in the training programme is being introduced for all trainees. Teaching will be in the form of an online module, which will be released on the same website platform as the new UCC and with a similar release date as it also in the final stages of review and revision. We are also aiming to have this available to fellows and supervisors as an optional component of ongoing CPD.
For post 2025 trainees, this will be a mandatory component of your training to complete fellowship.
For pre-2025 trainees, this is likely to become a mandatory component of training to complete fellowship, however we are also aiming to ensure that senior trainees who may currently be close to fellowship should not be disadvantaged and have their fellowship delayed given the leadership module has not been released yet. Please be assured that senior trainees who are currently close to fellowship (e.g. within 6 months) should not have their fellowship delayed and the leadership component of the curriculum for these trainees is currently being met by the new pre-exit SAF which was introduced last year.
Thank you again for your ongoing patience during some significant changes for the College. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns, not just relating to the changes within the College, but any questions or issues you may be having related to your training and education. There are a range of contact avenues including the office email office on, the website enquiry form or via DCT/TPC and we encourage contact at the earliest opportunity if any issues do arise.
Ngā mihi,
Adrianne Pimentel
Convenor of Education Committee