MBChB (Auckland) 2018
Urgent Care Trainee 2021 – Current
I come from a multicultural background. I was born in Thailand and have studied in the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and finally University in Auckland, New Zealand. After falling in love with New Zealand’s amazing nature and people, I’ve decided to make this place my home.
I’ve always been interested in becoming a GP, but the excitement of ED and Urgent Care definitely grabbed my attention. Now, I am working as a contracting senior registrar in Bakerfield Medical & Urgent Care.
My passion has always been teaching: I taught international medical students while in university, and mentored House Officers after graduating. Now, I enjoy running resus scenarios and holding impromptu teachings at the clinic. I am hoping to get more involved with the education side of RNZCUC during my time here.
Outside of medicine, you can find me hiking, practicing mindfulness, playing Dungeons & Dragons, or planning the next adventure.