Welcome to the third DPD newsletter.

Multi-Source Feedback Surveys (MSFS)

I wish to share these important points regarding the completion of the MSFS.

  • MSFS must be commenced by requesting the College to set them up online
  • Old PSS forms must not be used – if you have previously downloaded them please delete them.
  • It is possible to do patient surveys on paper, but these must be requested from the College.
  • Colleague surveys must be completed online and they are distributed by a clinic/department administrator, not by the doctor themselves. 

There has always been a patient satisfaction survey (PSS) as part of our recertification and training programmes.  In 2021 we updated this to a Multi-Source Feedback Survey (MSFS), taking on board reccomendations from the MCNZ.  This means we now have both a patient componant and a colleague componant.  This allows feedback from other doctors, nurses, administrators and allied health colleagues  which means you get a more thorough review of your practice on which to reflect. 

There is a process for completing a MSFS and it is outlined on the website.

You must contact admin@rnzcuc.org.nz to start the process and provide an email contact for an administrator in your clinic or department.  The administrator will distribute the colleague surveys, which prevents someone from choosing prefered colleagues and skewing the feedback received.  The administrator will also be able to send the online survey link to patients, or arrange a QR code be printed which patients can scan to access the survey.  If a paper patient form is required for patients without access to a smart phone, these can be printed by the administrator, but these forms must then be posted to the College upon completion of the survey.  It is possible to complete a survey partly on line and partly on paper.

It is imperative that up to date forms are used, aquired from the College, and that old PSS forms are not used.  If you still have these in your clinic or saved on your computer, please do not use these old forms.  The questions have been changed so these are no longer valid. 

Once commenced, you have 3 months to complete the surveys.  You will receive reminders of progress and if you feel like it will take longer than three months, please let the College know and we can accommodate.  But any survey open for more that 3 months without extenuating reasons supplied, will be closed off and you will have to start the process again.  Any feedback provided up until that point will be collated and uploaded to UCCIS for review, but the survey will not count as a completed MSFS.