Resuscitation courses
We are aware of a recent change to the GP College resuscitation requirements, and I wanted to use the newsletter this month to advise you all that the RNZCUC resuscitation requirements are unchanged.
The College recertification programme has required an annual resus course for a long time now. We require a certified, examined CORE Advanced course ever three years with a refresher course each year in between. We feel it is important that we maintain these skills in this time frame to ensure that we are ready should a resuscitation situation occur. This was discussed in a podcast with a member of the resuscitation council, and they agree with our stance. You can hear the podcast at this link.
The GP College is now requiring their members to do a 6-hour examined resuscitation course and they no longer accept the refresher. I understand that the frequency is still every three years, but this change might mean that the resus providers will be providing fewer refresher courses, and the CORE advanced courses might be more booked up and harder to access. The RNZCUC is looking at ways to mitigate these potential risks, but it may be that changes made by providers do not affect urgent care physicians. But if anyone does run into any issues accessing a course, please contact the College via so we can be aware and act accordingly.
So, in summary, your recertification requirements for urgent care resuscitation, and requirements for clinics for the urgent care standard are unchanged.
Ngā mihi
Dr Guy Melrose
Director of Professional Development