Fellows should be able to read, critically appraise, and absorb medical literature, and have the foundational skills to carry out research in a subject of some relevance to their clinical practice.  This is done through the completion of a medical literature project (MLP), original research, or the completion of the University of Auckland’s POPLHLTH 701 Research Methods in Health course (or equivalent).

The College is removing the option to complete the MLP

Decision approved by Executive Committee August 2024.

Current registrars may complete the MLP as part of their training programme requirements if the outline is received by the office on or before 31 December 2024 and the final MLP submission is marked and considered satisfactory by 30 June 2025.

Otherwise, to satisfy this requirement, registrars must complete:

  • University of Auckland POPLHLTH701
  • A university paper considered equivalent to the POPLHLTH701 paper by the Education Committee
  • Original Research (typically completed within a university setting, with results peer reviewed and published in an international journal).

Completion of a paper in Research Methods in Health (eg POLHLTH701) does not also count as the optional paper requirement of the university papers training programme requirements.

Medical Literature Project

Those considering the MLP should read the instructions carefully, and submit an outline of the proposed paper to the Education Committee for approval before writing a draft.  Outlines, drafts, and final papers should be emailed to assignments@rnzcuc.org.nz.  Marks are not provided to those who pass; the markers complete the marking schedules once the EdC has confirmed that the paper has failed to achieve the required standard.

Please review exemplars of completed MLP on the research page of the website. We will ask authors of MLP that have received a pass mark if we can publish the paper on that page.

Recognition of prior learning or alternatives 

Registrars may apply to the EdC to consider and approve alternative papers, courses, or qualifications in place of POPLHLTH701.

Extended Assignments

Instructions for anyone explicity instructed to complete the extended assignments (typically registrars who joined prior to 2015) are available here.