Supervision is a key component of the urgent care training programme.  Registrars and supervisors should read the supervision policy.

On or prior to commencing training, registrars should find a supervisor and ask them to complete the supervision agreement form.   When complete, you should send it to the Training Programme Coordinator ( who will check the form, load it into your UCCIS training programme summary, and assign your supervisor. A new agreement form is required each time you change supervisors.

Registrars and applicants with a UCCIS login are able to search for supervisors within their workplace using UCCIS or ask the office to provide a list of local supervisors.

As a registrar, you should ensure that your supervision satisfies the following requirements. If not, please advise the College so we can work with you and the supervisor.

  • Your supervisor works at the same approved urgent care facility as you. Your supervisor may, with Education Committee permission, delegate on-site supervision to another RNZCUC-approved doctor (typically another urgent care Fellow, or Fellow in emergency medicine or rural hospital medicine, or with similar training and experience). In all cases, the delegating supervisor retains overall responsibility for supervision.
  • For junior registrars, your supervisor works, and is available to you for guidance, at the same time(s) as you work, for at least six hours each week.
  • If a junior registrar or on the accelerated pathway, you have at least four formal face-to-face (which may be via video conference) meetings per year using the appraisal form (pdf editable version*) to guide the meeting. Upload the form (completing the relevant CPD record information) to UCCIS.
  • If a senior registrar, you have at least three formal face-to-face (which may be via video conference) meetings per year using the appraisal form (pdf editable version*) to guide the meeting. Upload the form (completing the relevant CPD record information) to UCCIS.

*MS word version available.
