This page is for those commencing the RNZCUC training programme after 1 January 2025.

Which course of training you are placed on is dependent on your application paperwork being received (in full), and your training programme start date.

  • We will place you on the 2024 programme if your application paperwork is received by 30 September 2024, and you commence training on or before 31 December 2024.
  • We will place you on the 2025 programme if your application paperwork is received after 30 September 2024 or you commence training after 31 December 2024.
    Note that to commence training a registrar must have a workplace and a supervisor agreement.

The College is finalising the new curriculum and training programme. Changes include:

  • A new programme structure
  • The removal of case studies
  • Insertion of work-placed based assessments
  • Completion of OSCE at the end of year two or three (currently year one)
  • Supervision training in later years of the programme
  • Leadership training in later years of the programme.
Training Programme Structure 2025

The draft training programme structure is shown below. A final, College-approved, version will appear once ratified.

Workplace-based assessments

Details to follow.

Revised OSCE

More information to follow.

Supervision training

The level one and level 2 supervision training is to be completed before exit. See this page, and the text describing trainign and support for supervisors.

Leadership training

The College is finalising a leadership training module, to be launched early 2025. Details to follow.