The College is currently updating its curriculum with revised graduate outcomes. The graduate outcomes detail the graduate profiles and attributes, including knowledge, skills and values, expected of a graduate from the RNZCUC vocational training programme. They are based on the 7 domains (roles) of the CanMEDS physician competency framework.

From 2025, the College will be running 2 training programmes in parallel. These will be the training programme for current registrars who have joined before 2025, and a new training programme for those who start the training programme after 1 January 2025.

There are several minor changes which will affect current registrars:

  • Medical Literature Project
  • Core Skills List
  • OSCE
  • A one-off supervisor-completed form
  • Multi Source Feedback Survey (MSFS)
Medical Literature Project

The College has removed the option to complete the Medical Literature Project (MLP), replacing it with a requirement to conduct original research or to complete a paper in research methods (in New Zealand this is usually the University of Auckland’s POPLHLTH701),

This change takes effect 31 December 2024.

  • If a current registrar wishes to compete the MLP, they must submit the MLP outline in by 31 December 2024 and have it marked completed by 30 June 2025, otherwise the new requirement will apply.
Core Skills

There are changes to the core skills list.

Further details of the changes will be shared as soon as they are finalised.

  • If a registrar has completed and loaded into UCCIS all current core skills by 31 January 2025 there are no additional requirements.
  • Registrars who have not completed and loaded into UCCIS all current core skills by 31 January 2025 will be required to also complete the two new skills (Pulled elbow and Doppler Ultrasound for foetal heartbeat).
  • Registrars who have completed and loaded into UCCIS any core skills that have been refined will not be required to complete that core skill again.
  • Any core skills not completed and loaded into UCCIS will need to be the new versions (eg any templates downloaded before 31 January 2025 should be deleted, and the new version downloaded).

In the new training programme structure, OSCE completion will be required in year two or three of the training programme. The assessments will be set at a level expected of an advanced trainee. It may also be at a different time of the year.

There are no changes to the format for OSCE in 2024 and 2025.

  • Any current registrar that has not passed OSCE by the end of 2025 will be required to complete the new version of OSCE.
One-off supervisor-completed form – leadership

RNZCUC has identified current assessment gaps with respect to the Leadership and Advocacy domains. Assessment will be met by a new leadership training module which registrars commencing in 2025 or later will complete. Current registrars will not be mandated to complete this module.

For current registrars these assessment gaps, which relate to workplace-based learning opportunities are to be assessed by a one-off final supervisor appraisal form when the registrar is nearing completion of the training programme. This form can also be used earlier to guide a registrar’s learning at supervision meetings.

The form will be an important supporting document for the Board of Censors and Education Committee to consider at the time of Fellowship review from 2025. Until the end of 2024 the supervisors of registrars who have completed the training programme will be asked to complete this form but it will not affect awarding of Fellowship.

  • The requirement for completion of the one-off form before exit takes effect immediately.
Multi-Source Feedback Survey

To align with the new curriculum, minor changes have been made to the colleague multi source feedback survey (MSFS).

  • Changes to the MSFS will take place immediately for anyone commencing their MSFS (ie the questions for those currently undergoing the MSFS will remain the same).