Each year shortly after the AGM, the Executive Committee ensures that it has adequate representation according to the College’s governance policy by co-opting members. Additionally, it appoints the convenors of the standing committees. The convenors then work together to allocate membership of the committees across members of the Executive Committee and others who have expressed an interest in supporting the College. The process also considers sub-committee membership, involvement in working groups, and other ongoing actitivies to support the education programmes. Implicit in the process is consideration of bringing in new people and give them experience of how the College does its governance, and succession strategies aimed at maintaining continuity of experience.
The members of the standing committees are listed below. In addition, there is the registrar subcommittee, several working groups and sub-committees not listed here.
Executive Committee
- Ainsley Goodman
- Adrianne Pimentel
- Alistair Sullivan
- Derek Buchanan
- Dinesh Deonarain
- Jasmine MacKay (Secretary)
- Kelvin Ward (Chair)
- Matt Wright
- Rain Lamdin
- Stephen Adams (Treasurer)
- Sarah-Jade Gardiner (for six months or thereabouts)
- Very soon there will be a member of the Registrar Subcommittee co-opted to the ExC
Board of Censors
- Jasmine MacKay (convenor)
- Kelvin Ward
- Stephen Adams
Education Committee
- Ainsley Goodman (convenor)
- Adrianne Pimentel
- Tae Young Yoon
- Sanjeev Krishna
- Palm Kamolpanus
- Kelvin Ward
Professional Standards Committee
- Dinesh Deonarain (convenor)
- Derek Buchanan
- Andrew Stacey
Facilities Audit Committee
- Sarah Hartnall (co-convenor)
- Alistair Sullivan (co-convenor)
- Richard Powell
- William Kim
- Belinda van Gruting