The College invites you to give back by contributing to urgent care and RNZCUC.  There are many options, including:

  • Become a peer group leader, supporting registrars and other Fellows.
  • Supervising registrars.
  • Helping at the SDAW as an instructor/assessor.
  • Completing research in urgent care.
  • Committee work.
  • Joining a subcommittee or helping with specific projects.
  • Offering any other skills you have, especially those that could help the College achieve its strategic objectives.



Collegial responsibilities
The MCNZ expects Fellows of all branches to be ready, if asked, to help Council and their branch in certain areas, including:

  1. To work in Collegial Relationships with more junior doctors if requested.
  2. To go on a Professional Conduct Committee, Vocational Practice Assessment or Performance Assessment Committee, and / or, to recommend a suitable colleague.
  3. To refer any colleague for a competence review, as needed.
  4. To help Council to teach and support colleagues whose clinical performance is poor.