I’ll keep this brief as there are quite a few other posts for you to read (including the exciting news about the urgent care research network, the Education committee update, and the Registar Subcommittee plans for teaching topics in 2025).

Annual Survey

We’ve been sending out reminders to all full members, asking them to compelte the 2024 annual survey. If you have not seen the emails, please contact us urgently so that we can provide you with a link.

I have been developing an overarching strategy for our surveys so that they are spread out over the year, more focused, and aligned with our College strategy or accreditation requirements. This means that annual surveys are much shorter than in previous years. This year we separated out the questions into two surveys; one for Fellows and another for registrars. Previous years’ surveys included questions for examiners and supervisors, and these have now been moved to other surveys. Similarly, workforce and wellbeing questions will now be in one place, in the workforce and remuneration survey which we will send out around July.

Wellbeing policy and wellbeing officers

To outline our approach to the support that we can provide to registrars and Fellows needing it, the College has developed a wellbeing policy which is currently in its final draft form for consultation. If you have comments, please send them to me (adrian@rnzcuc.org.nz).

We have described within the policy the role of wellbeing officers. These would be Fellows of the College who are a keen advocate for wellbeing, experienced in coaching, mentoring, and providing advice or guidance. In essence, they are able to provide independent support the member until the external challenges are resolved or mitigated. Given that the number of calls we have for wellbeing support is very small, we do not believe that there will be much work for our wellbeing support officers, but it would be good to have one or two members ready to provide that support when called for. The detail of the role, including the boundaries of the support they provide will be worked out in due course. Wellbeing support officers would be remunerated for their time.

If you are interested in becoming a wellbeing support officer for the College, please email the GM (adrian@rnzcuc.org.nz).

AGM and nominations

The College AGM will be held via zoom on Tuesday 25 March at 6pm. Please add this date to your calendar. There are several positions becoming available on the Executive Committee. The period for accepting nominations is now open.

For more information please see the AGM post on the website.

Registrar membership fee – will apply to all registrars

I emailed all registrars last week to advise them that we may have to start charging all registrars (including those funded by Workforce Planning and Funding (WPF)) an annual membership fee for 2025. This is mainly due to the changes that the College is having to make to maintain a quality training programme within the changing regulatory environment. We are confident that all aspects of the changes we make will increase the quality of the training programme with significant advantages for registrars as they progress to becoming Fellows in Urgent Care, and subsequent improvement in the contribution to the wider health system, and patient care and outcomes.

The Executive Committee is meeting in February to discuss the plans for 2025 and annual budget, so I expect that we will be able to advise registrars of any decisions in February.