Over the past year RNZCUC has been reviewing the College’s curriculum, and we now wish to gain your feedback on a section of our draft document. Any proposed changes will not be implemented until 2025.
The CanMEDs physician competency framework has been utilised with permission of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (Canada), with new graduate outcomes developed within the 7 Roles of Practice (Domains).
TheMedical Expert domain learning outcomes (previously subject matter areas) have also been revised. Significant changes include:
1. Topics have been restructured primarily into body systems rather than specialties, where possible.
2. The content of each section has been mapped to the topics taught in the urgent care course (UCC). Where topics are not currently covered in the UCC, these will be added, or the learning outcome has been removed.
3. Skills competencies have been matched with those taught in the Core Skills List or other required courses. A review of the Core Skills List is currently underway.
You are invited to review this draft document and answer the following questions. Once you have provided your responses, please click the ‘submit’ button to save them.