Those registered and practising in Aotearoa New Zealand may apply to join the College training programme at any time. Eligibility criteria are:

  • Registration with MCNZ
  • A current practising certificate
  • In good standing
  • Completion of PGY1 to the satisfaction of the Medical Council of New Zealand.
  1. The first step is to check you are eligible using this form. This also constitutes an expression of interest.
  2. Once we confirm you are eligible, you can apply for a place on the training programme (we will send you the application form).   Depending on other Fellowships held, you may be invited to apply for the Accelerated Pathway to Fellowship.
  3. The College then identifies any prior learning and experience based on the information you have provided. 
  4. The applicant develops a plan for the completion of the remaining requirements.  Those in PGY2 will need to demonstrate that their rotations and attachments will allow them to complete the required training programme elements.
  5. The applicant is invited to an interview as part of the selection process. If successful, the applicant is offered a place on the training programme and to gain Fellowship by meeting the Fellowship criteria.
  6. To commence training, the following need to be in place:
    • You have accepted the offer of a place and proposed a training programme start date that is within three months of the offer.
    • You have a supervisor, approved by the College, who is able to provide supervision that satisfies the supervision requirements.
    • You are working in an approved training facility.


After commencing the programme, a College membership fee applies. Please read the information on the Membership, subscriptions, and fees page.

The costs for the training programme are generally updated annually, though if external providers raise their prices unannounced, the College may have to update the charge immediately. Registrars working in Aotearoa New Zealand who are not eligible for Health Workforce funding receive a College subsidy for the costs of some components. These are already factored into the costs shown.

Funding opportunities (health workforce)

Health Workforce provides funding to support registrars on the training programme. It covers some, but not all training programme costs. It does not automatically cover the College membership/programme administration fee.

To be eligible for funds you must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Practising medicine in NZ.
  • A citizen or permanent resident (note PRV is required) of Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Approved for funding by RNZCUC.
  • Active on the training programme.
  • You are not on any other training programme which is being funded by Health Workforce (this includes via Te Whatu Ora regions, hospitals, GP college, or others where the organisation manages funds on behalf of Health Workforce).
  • Your training programme start date is no more than six years ago.

Those who do not meet these criteria may be able to apply for an exemption.

Requesting an exemption

You may request an exemption from tthe criteria listed above. Further information about exemptions and health workforce funding can be answered by the College Administrator ( or the General Manager (

Please complete the exemption request form and send to the office (

Using health workforce funds while training has been paused

RNZCUC may reimburse the costs of university papers completed while paused if the paper is started while active on the training programme and the pause is for less than six months.  Final approval for any reimbursements is required, and occur when the registrar is active on the training programme (or has recently completed the exit interview), has good progress, and is compliant with annual requirements.

Anyone on a pause lasting longer than six months is not eligible for health workforce funding while they have paused their training.

Document informationDate
CreatedJan 2023
Edit (minor grammatical changes)Apr 2023
Edit (additional text to make funding clearer)Feb 2024