Dear Member/owner,

Financial assistance for UCCs

The Ministry’s financial assistance package announced today did not include urgent care.
We understand that on Thursday, Cabinet considered a proposal from the Ministry of Health that UC funding be included, and chose not to include this in today’s package.

As we know, with the move to virtual consultations, is it urgent care clinics that are seeing a large percentage of Covid-19 cases and suspect cases, and we made this point strongly to the Ministry.
The Ministry told us that the information AMCA had provided was sufficient to make the case.
We find this decision frustrating and difficult to explain, and disappointing.

Per yesterday’s post, AMCA is continuing discussions with the MoH and will be in touch with Clinics for information about financial problems they might be facing.

The Ministry would like to hear, via AMCA (, from UCCs that are experiencing financial hardship.

New forum posts

Letter from medical professionals to the PM and DGoH about mask use
Members with concerns about current mask policy and Covid-19 transmission, both during consultations and in public spaces, may like to consider signing this letter.
It calls for the government to recommend:
"1. Universal face coverings for the public WITH good hand hygiene when social distancing is not possible.
2. The use of masks by healthcare professionals in all patient interactions."
Supporting evidence appended.

With best wishes,

David Gollogly, Jasmine Mackay, Richard Chen
Pandemic Response Committee