Dear member/clinic

The MoH has asked us to pass on a number of Covid updates. We summarise each here, with full information attached or copied below. We understand members may be receiving this information from multiple sources and regret any double-up.

1) Webinar, March 16th – covid and influenza vaccination, *therapeutics* (webinar attachment)
Drs Murton, Bourne, Poore, Horrill and Lancaster

2) Novavax bookings now open. (Novavax attachment)
Prescription only; criteria and details below; we received two communications, both copied in full. There is some duplication.

3) Covid Clinical Care Module (CCCM attachment)
The appears to be an online clinical record for use with covid patients where a person is not enrolled with a general practice and has no other primary care medical record. It is also desirable to use CCCM when a person is under active medical care and/or when out of hours care is or is likely to be provided by another provider to support continuity of care.”

Use of the CCCM is optional. The MoH is still improving and updating the CCCM. The MoH communique does not describe the CCCM or provide details on how to access it; for further information, try HealthPathways’ CCCM support pages.

4) Astrazeneca booster interval reduced to three months
AstraZeneca booster doses can now be given to anyone aged 18 and older, 3 months after completion of their primary course. The COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group (CV TAG) has recommended this change, which aligns with the dose intervals for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. “

5) Reporting vaccine-associated sudden death (ISMB attachment)

The attached letter is targeted at clinical audiences and … is a reminder from the COVID-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board to refer sudden deaths with a temporal association to COVID-19 vaccination for coronial investigation.”

6) Booster mandate exemption
See below for details.

    With best wishes,

    David Gollogly, Jasmine Mackay, Richard Chen, Kelvin Ward
    Pandemic Response Subcommittee
    2) Novavax bookings open

    From Thursday, 10 March, people aged 18 and older can book an appointment to receive Novavax on or by calling the COVID Vaccination Healthline at 0800 28 29 26. 

    A prescription is required for anyone receiving Novavax as a second dose, if their first dose was a COVID-19 vaccine other than Novavax. A prescription can either be obtained by the consumer at the vaccination clinic or from their preferred GP prior to their appointment. Visits to GPs for the Novavax prescription are free to the consumer. 

    You will be able to claim reimbursement for any Novavax prescription fees in the same way you claim for AstraZeneca. 

    The Ministry of Health website is updated with information about the Novavax vaccine, including side effects, who it’s for, and booking information.

    The policy statement and updated Immunisation Handbook will soon be available on the Ministry of Health website:

    Attached is a PDF of the Novavax factsheet for consumers which vaccinating sites will order/be sent in the usual way.

    Key messages Novavax rollout

    Top-line messages
    • From March 10, bookings for the Novavax (Nuvaxovid) COVID-19 vaccine can be made at or by calling the COVID Vaccination Healthline 0800 28 29 26.
    • The Novavax vaccine is available for anyone aged 18 and older who has not yet been fully immunised against COVID-19.
    • New Zealand has more than 250,000 doses of Novavax vaccine available.
    • The vaccine will be available at a limited number of vaccination centres from Monday 14 March. More locations will be available throughout the week.
    • The rollout of the vaccine has been expedited to help protect as many people as possible from the Omicron outbreak and follows Cabinet’s recent decision to use the Novavax vaccine.
    • The Ministry of Health is working around the clock to ensure that the workforce and all logistics required to make the vaccine available are in place for a safe and efficient rollout.
    • Novavax is not currently approved in New Zealand as a booster vaccine.
    Supporting messages
    • Novavax requires two doses to be considered fully vaccinated. A three-week gap is recommended between the first and second dose.
    • Novavax can be administered to people who have received a different COVID-19 vaccine as their first dose, and this should occur at least 28 days after the first dose of the other COVID-19 vaccine.
    • You will require a prescription for your second dose if your first dose was not Novavax.
    • You can get a prescription at the vaccinating Novavax clinic or prior to your appointment with your preferred GP. Visits to a GP for a Novavax prescription are free.
    • There is currently insufficient data on the Novavax vaccine to recommend it during pregnancy. Pfizer remains the preferred vaccine option for this group.
    • Novavax contains a non-infectious component on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which induces a protective immune response when the body’s immune cells come into contact with it.
    • Pfizer remains the preferred COVID-19 vaccine that we are using in New Zealand.
    Consumer Q&As
    How many doses of Novavax are available in NZ?
    We have more than 250,000 doses of Novavax vaccines currently in New Zealand.

    Why is Novavax only available at a limited number of clinics?
    With 95% of New Zealanders already vaccinated, we are starting with a small number of vaccines in comparison to Pfizer and will monitor uptake and supply. Similar to the AstraZeneca vaccine, Novavax vaccine will only be available at a limited number of sites across the country as Pfizer is the main vaccine we are using in New Zealand.

    If there is demand in an area where a clinic is not easily accessible, DHBs will look to implement pop-up clinics or mobile vaccinations as needed.

    When will the first Novavax vaccine be administered (date)?
    An initial number of Novavax COVID-19 vaccine doses will be available in major centres from Monday 14 March. Details will be available on from 10 March.

    Can I mix and match vaccines with Novavax?
    Novavax can be administered to people who have received a different COVID-19 vaccine as their first dose, and this should occur at least 28 days after the first dose of the other COVID-19 vaccine. You will require a prescription for your second dose if your first dose was not Novavax.

    You can get a prescription at the vaccinating Novavax clinic or prior to your appointment with your preferred GP. Visits to a GP for a Novavax prescription are free. Novavax is not approved as a booster vaccine.

    Can I get Novavax as a booster?
    No. Novavax is not approved as a booster vaccine.

    Why is the Government offering Novavax as an option now?
    We recognise that there is merit in providing an option for people who cannot receive the Pfizer vaccine, and those who want another option. We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to be vaccinated.

    Pfizer remains the preferred COVID-19 vaccine for use in New Zealand.

    How can I access Novavax?
    To book your appointment go to: which will give you the option to choose Novavax as your vaccine. A list of vaccination sites will be given where Novavax can be given as not all sites are equipped to deliver this vaccine.

    If you’re unable to book online, you can call the COVID Vaccination Healthline on: 0800 28 29 26 (8am to 8pm, 7 days a week).

    Can I get Novavax to meet a Vaccination Order/Mandate?
    No. Novavax is not currently part of the Vaccination Order requirements.

    Is there any plan to add Novavax to the Vaccination Order/Mandate requirements?

    The inclusion of Novavax as a primary vaccination course, for the purposes of the Vaccination Order, is being considered.

    ‘What to expect’ and ‘After your vaccination’ resources
    An important reminder of the two info sheets (that come in pads of 100) vaccinating sites should have available – attached for reference.
    In the unlikely event a vaccinating site has an ‘After your booster’ resource dated 2021 it shouldn’t be used, please ask them to destroy any they may have and get new printed copies in the usual manner.

    3) Covid Clinical Care Module
    We would be grateful if you can pass on the following COVID-19 Care in the Community updates in your networks that use the COVID-19 Clinical Care Module:
    • The Ministry of Health is working on improvements to the COVID-19 Clinical Care Module to make it more user friendly. Please see the attached letter from Dr Joe Bourne clarifying the use of CCCM at this stage of the outbreak.
    • A number of updates to CCCM will roll out this week which are summarised on new CCCM support pages on Health Pathways.
    • New regional CCCM support pages will be published on Health Pathways tomorrow (Tuesday) and updated regularly, detailing updates and linking to guides and other support.
    We are expect to send a brief update like this every week during this current outbreak, supplemented as needed by additional and more urgent updates.

    6) Booster mandate exemptions

    We have introduced some changes to the temporary medical exemption process for people who either have or have recently recovered from a COVID-19 illness, and as a result, may be unable to receive a COVID-19 vaccination or booster vaccination due to their COVID-19 illness.

    This also includes a group application for PCBUs (Employers).

    The change is covered by category 1A of the temporary medical exemption criteria. Temporary medical exemptions accepted under category 1A will last for 12 weeks from the date the application is considered.

    The group application process is for PCBUs (employers) who have 2 or more workers who need to apply for a temporary medical exemption because of a COVID-19 illness.

    The group application form can be found here:

    The group application form must be signed off by a Medical or Nurse Practitioner.

    The PCBU must confirm with the workers that the application is being made and receive their consent. No individual workers will need to sign the application form.

    The practitioners who sign off on the group application will need to verify the positive PCR or Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) results and be satisfied that these belong to each individual covered by the application.

    This may take the form of sighting a screenshot of a My COVID Record that displays the PCR or uploaded RAT result, a hard copy of a laboratory report, or a text notification of the positive test result.

    The processing time for these medical exemptions is 5 working days or less.

    We will contact each person who is part of the application separately, as well as the PCBU on the outcome of the application.

    If you have individual workers who need to apply for an exemption, this can be done through their own Medical or Nurse practitioner. Details of this are at:

    We will be hosting a webinar for stakeholders on these changes. We would welcome your attendance. Please copy and paste the below zoom details into your calendars.

    The details are:
    Date: Tuesday 15 March 2022
    Time: 11.30am
    Zoom Link: